socio-economic, cultural, migration, Kech, BalochistanAbstract
The study was designed to give us insight into the migration behavior of
the people in the changing patterns of socio-economic, demographic
structure, cultural and psychological context. The present study was
conducted in district Kech (Balochistan). Purposively sampling technique
was applied for selection of the male heads migrant family. Data was
collected through a structured questionnaire. The result shows that the
majority (60%) of the respondents were fall in age category 46 to 60
years, 50% of the respondents was illiterate, majority 90% of the
respondents have married. More than half (55.3%) of the respondents
were agriculturists after migration and before migration their ratio was
drop off up to 46.perecent. Vast majority 90% of the respondents come
here for improve their social contact. Vast majority 95% of the
respondents migrated due to lack of laws and orders situation. On the
basis of results it was recommended and suggested that government
should provide all basic facilities at the door steps and gross root level of
masses in order to stop the rural flow of migration. The government must
allocate a larger share of development funds for the provision of the basic
amenities of a modern and comfortable life.
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