Pakistan Study Centre
<p>Pakistan Study Centre, University of Balochistan, Research Journal.</p>Pakistan Studiesen-USPakistan Study Centre2311-6803AFGHANISTAN POST-2014 AND ITS
<p>After thirteen years of war in Afghanistan the coalition forces are <br>withdrawing from Afghanistan with a stalemate between the Taliban and <br>Afghan government. The war in Afghanistan has been catastrophic for <br>Pakistan with thousands of lives lost and the economy in shambles. The <br>withdrawal of NATO forces will not result in relief for neighboring <br>countries as each will be vying for more power in Afghanistan. In case of <br>any civil war in Afghanistan, Pakistan will continue to bear the brunt of <br>losses on many levels.</p>Abdul Qadir Shazia Jaffar
Copyright (c) 2023 Pakistan Study Centre
<p>Pakistan and India, the best demographic South Asian “Golden Land”, <br>have had a tremendous experience of bilateral trade with relevant <br>competitive advantages contributing towards Global trade enchantment <br>with an extensive realism of free trade in last decades but that has <br>unfortunately declined, which has let the masses on both sides suffer the <br>miseries of poverty and low standard living mainly caused by the trade <br>restrictive policies on both the sides. Given the endowed trade feasibility <br>is in the wide interest of both sides where this study classifies the core <br>areas for available possibilities of trade and investment cooperation <br>amongst both countries further encouraging the exchange for trades <br>through acquiring the status of most favorite nations towards each other <br>to curtail the degree of informal trade by proper archive management. The <br>policy by now inhibits trade, lacks transparency leading to high <br>9<br>transaction costs along with other varied barriers though having Social <br>similarities as well comparative demands across equally. Effective system <br>of information flow, contract enforcing, risk sharing & mitigation has <br>already been organized by the informal trader being efficient than formal <br>trade in returns even though relative cost is much higher. The paper as <br>well identifies factors determining informal trade, major informal route, <br>estimate of Pakistan informal trade with India, modalities of informal <br>trade and recommendations to shit it towards formal trade by promoting <br>free trade.</p>Dr. Bashir Ahmed KakarDr. Kaleem Ullah Khan Barrech
Copyright (c) 2023 Pakistan Study Centre
<p>The study was designed to give us insight into the migration behavior of <br>the people in the changing patterns of socio-economic, demographic <br>structure, cultural and psychological context. The present study was <br>conducted in district Kech (Balochistan). Purposively sampling technique <br>was applied for selection of the male heads migrant family. Data was <br>collected through a structured questionnaire. The result shows that the <br>majority (60%) of the respondents were fall in age category 46 to 60 <br>years, 50% of the respondents was illiterate, majority 90% of the <br>respondents have married. More than half (55.3%) of the respondents <br>were agriculturists after migration and before migration their ratio was <br>drop off up to 46.perecent. Vast majority 90% of the respondents come <br>here for improve their social contact. Vast majority 95% of the <br>respondents migrated due to lack of laws and orders situation. On the <br>basis of results it was recommended and suggested that government <br>should provide all basic facilities at the door steps and gross root level of <br>26<br>masses in order to stop the rural flow of migration. The government must <br>allocate a larger share of development funds for the provision of the basic <br>amenities of a modern and comfortable life.</p>Fathe Muhammad Dr. Shahida Habib
Copyright (c) 2023 Pakistan Study Centre
<p>Father character is very much vital to the greatest improvement and wellbeing of a child. In past it was understood father’s part was just of <br>financial earner but, now it embraces emotional support, nurturing, care <br>giving, and overall development. The goal of this literature analysis was <br>to discover “father’s involvement” in his “children‘s”, rational, <br>“physical”, “social”, “emotional”, mental” “cognitive” and reasoning <br>improvement and “development”. <br>Early child development starts establishing a country from <br>zero. The main assets of a country are its inhabitants. If the children of a <br>country pass through a favourable early child development in their <br>childhood, their base strengthens and the whole nation succeeds.<br>In early years “Father Involvement” plays an accurate crucial part in <br>child development. Dad’s positive participation can mark academic, <br>theoretical, educational successes, achievements and formal education of <br>the children.<br>The Literature evaluation talked about following query: “Father’s <br>involvement” in child “growth and development” from birth till the age of <br>8.<br>38<br>Thirty published articles were searched including “nationally and <br>internationally” throughout Literature exploration. Nevertheless merely <br>twenty “articles” have been found related to study. These terminologies <br>have been utilized for L search ””role of father in cognitive <br>development”, “role of father in social and emotional development”, <br>“role of father in physical development,”… “Fatherhood “)</p>Gohram Baloch
Copyright (c) 2023 Pakistan Study Centre
<p>Governance in healthcare systems is concern of the most developing <br>countries because of increasing demand for quality service delivery and <br>results. The functions of the whole system are dependent on governance. <br>In Pakistan, lack of planning, poor management, feeble institutional <br>structures, delaying and complex processes and lack of coordination <br>among relevant stakeholders are the immediate barriers that make the <br>health sector nonresponsive to reduce inequalities and ensure good <br>service delivery. Gender disparities in Health sector and gender based <br>violence in all fields are most common in Pakistan, governance issues, <br>social and <br>cultural constraints are the barriers for access to proper health services <br>and gender equity. To ensure maximum coverage and effective service <br>delivery, ensure health equity, no gender based violence and no disparities <br>___________________________<br>55<br>in health services in Pakistan, public health policies in line with Human <br>Rights and community demand and ground realities need to be reformed. <br>This research was intended to identify the gaps and inequalities in the <br>health sector in Pakistan. Qualitative research approach was adopted for <br>the study. The data was collected from capital cities of the provinces of <br>Pakistan through Key Informants Interviews and Focused Group <br>Discussions. The research revealed that gaps in the planning process, <br>gender disparities in health care, poor implementation and management <br>of the health programs, absence of Monitoring and Evaluation, lack of <br>coordination among relevant stakeholders, institutional and staff <br>capacities issues are the major issues and gaps in health sector of <br>Pakistan.</p>Dr Muhammad Usman TobawalDr. Surrya Bano
Copyright (c) 2023 Pakistan Study Centre
<p>Gwadar is the third but most important port of in the south of Pakistan <br>which is located in the province of Baluchistan along the Arabian ocean <br>further opens in to Indian Ocean. The purpose of writing this paper is to <br>highlight its importance especially in this age of globalization when trade <br>has become a key to the progress and prosperity of nation. As I will <br>discuss in the research paper that the construction of Gwadar port is <br>necessary for<br>the economy of Pakistan and the underdeveloped province of Baluchistan <br>but will also serve the best strategic interests in the border scope even <br>further it is going to contribute in the progress and prosperity of other <br>nations as well like China, Afghanistan or Central Asian Republics by <br>decreasing their trade and travelling distance and breaking their blockade <br>by offering a new sea port to them in the shape of Gwadar among all this <br>china will need it most for developing its western region for .</p>Ghulam DastaghirRafique Akbar
Copyright (c) 2023 Pakistan Study Centre
2015-06-302015-06-301017083 CPEC CRUCIAL STEP TOWARDS PROSPERITY
<p>China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a decisive as well as golden chance <br>towards the prosperity knocking at our doors. The key project in terms of <br>economic and political scenario for the welfare of the people of Pakistan <br>and China.<br>Surely it can be the game changer in this part of the world, therefore we <br>must stick with our basic plan, and should go all the way, as well as taking <br>all the essential steps for the feasibility of this huge project.<br>The main purpose and focus of this paper is to highlight the hurdles and <br>serious questions in terms of achieving this ever challenging goal.</p>Bijar Khan RodiniDr. Noor Ahmed
Copyright (c) 2023 Pakistan Study Centre
2015-06-302015-06-3010184100Pakistan's political and Democratic system in the view of Islamic Prospective
<p>Democracy means, Government of people, by the people and for the people<br>while every individual can participate in the affairs of Government too but<br>islamic democracy means Governemnt of God, by the representativs of God<br>and for the creatures of God. It is an underiable fact that the enemies of Islam<br>they adopt such ideas which are totally against the principles of of Islam like<br>communism, socialism, secularism, etc., people use these ideas as religion<br>and decmocracy is also one of them. The islamic Republic of Pakistan came<br>into existence in the name of Islam but yet to implement some basic principles<br>of the religion inthe system of this country. Today we are facing so many<br>problems like terrorism, corruption, target killing, sectarianism, suicide attacks,<br>bomb blasts and other so many problems, this research article is based on<br>the facts and tried to find out the causes of these problems and mentioned the<br>differences between democracy and Islamic law ans also highlight the<br>poisitive benefits of Islamic democracy. the primay and seocndary sources<br>have been used for this research article</p>Dr.Syed Bacha AghaNazir Ahmed Kasi
Copyright (c) 2023 Pakistan Study Centre