
  • Ruqia Mirwani
  • Gohram Baloch


Joint Family Life Style, Spoken languages Brohi and Balochi, Modren Guns and Weapons, Arrange marriages


The total population of district Awaran is considered as Baloch.
People adjacent to eastern areas also speak Brohi. Joint family is the
system of lifestyle in the district. Two mealtimes are observed as most of
the people belong to lower class. The chiefs are protected by body guards
who have modern guns and other weapons. Parents decide arranged
marriage for their siblings. Women are not asked for any household affair.
Sunni Muslim is Major religion of Awaran district whereas a number of
Zikris are living in the mountainous area. Usually, people are so much
cooperative and they cooperate at many events.

Author Biographies

Ruqia Mirwani

Scholar of Uob 

Gohram Baloch

Lecturer in UOb 


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