Constitutional Development in Pakistan since 1947 till 1956
Constitution, colonialism, constitutional agreement, communism fundamental principles, legislative body, linguistic unityAbstract
A constitution is the prime and leading document, which governs a
country in a well-established democratic way. Hence, the paper was an
attempt to highlight constitutional development process just after the
birth of Pakistan. The objectives of the study were to find out the
difficulties in the process of constitution making in Pakistan during
1947-1956, to explore the causes which blocked the constitution
making process and to know the role of politicians and other
stakeholders in constitution making process. The research questions
were what types of difficulties faced during constitution making
process in the years 1947-1956? What factors obstructed the process
of constitution making process in 1947-1956? And Pakistani Politian’s
and other stakeholder played what type of roles in the constitution
making in year 1947-1956? This research was qualitative in nature.
The information was collected through primary and secondary data.
Primary data was collected from senior bureaucrat, these bureaucrat
were from different departments. The primary data was also collected
from professors of different colleges and public universities and
constitution experts like lawyers of high courts and Supreme Court
through interviews. The secondary data was collected from different
books and articles available in library of Balochistan University and
public library Quetta. The details of the frequency test showed that
there were 9 contributors and among them 4 contributors they agreed
with this question that yes they think politicians played a key role in
development of constitution for country. Frequency test of the results
explored that total participants agreed with this question they said yes
they think unstable political situation and interference of law
enforcement agencies were the basic Couse behind the blockage of
constitution development. The constitutional process faced a lot of
administrative difficulties, and problems of limited professional
constitutional experts
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