Effectiveness of Various Lecture Delivery Methods on the Learning of College Students
Lecture delivery methods, conventional method, modern method, purposive sampling, Qusai experimental design, learning.Abstract
This study aimed to explore the “effectiveness of various
lecture delivery methods on the learning of college students”. The
research was carried out in various colleges of Quetta Baluchistan.
This research was conducted following a pre - post Quasi
Experimental design. The purposive sample of 30 students was equally
divided into two groups. Group I is conventional method group and
group II is modern method group. The primary aim was to assess the
difference between these two lecturing method in terms of their
effectiveness on student learning. A Purpose Specific Academic
Achievement Test-PSAAT was constructed to assess Student’s level of
learning after receiving lectures from the respective methods. In group
I (n =15) the students were lecture through conventional method and
group II (n =15) the students were lecture through modern method.
Results indicated a significant increase in post test score for both
lecture delivery method groups. But the difference between the score of
the two comparison groups (i.e. conventional method & modern
method) was non- significant indicating that both lecture delivery
method are almost equally effective for the participating student.
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