Gender-based Inequality towards Unexplored Assumptions Acase study of Distict Awaran Balochistan Province Pakistan
Awaran, Balochistan, Gender, Pakistan Unexplored assumptions.Abstract
Present research was conducted in Awaran district, Balochistan
province so as to record the perception about gender inequality. The
results reveals that most (44%) of the defendants were descent age
classes of (31-40 years of age). Half (50%) of the respondents (either
male or female) were illiterate, half (50%) of the respondents by
gender were male and similar, half (50%) of the respondents by gender
were female. Most (30%) male respondents remained of assessment
that female faced encoded problems. Maximum (40-40%) male
respondents were observed good and multitasking and aren’t
physically capable were the most crucial theme with the term of
supreme common stereotypes (female). Maximum (40-40%) male
respondents were observed then perceived men are very untidy and
earn more money for their betterment respectively. Further, the results
reveals that most (10-10%) of the male respondents were also watched
that the anti-social practices and gender violence were regarded as the
uppermost oppressive aspect as perceived by the male respondents.
Therefore, it was suggested that service of woman’s improvement
through women empowerment programs should be arranged at district
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