Socio-Economic Problems Faced by Working Women A Case Study of Agriculture Sector in District Mastung


  • BIbi Gul
  • `Muhammad Yousaf


Working Women, Socio-economic problems, Agriculture sector.


The main purpose of the study was to get it the issues and problems
confronted by rustic working females in district Mustung. The
purposes moreover involved distinguishing the key socio economic
traits contributing to ladies place, security and safety, and to study
women’s participation in different exercises for family progressing,
society and community. The study was limited to the rustic working
ladies in agriculture sector of district Mustang. A mixed methods
approach linking face to face questionnaire technique s and interview
counting both open-ended and close-ended questions was selected for
successful collect information from the respondents. Triangulation
approaches was adjusted for setting up reliability and validity of the
study. The study was founded on primary information collected from
district Mustung to discover out the conceivable solutions for working
ladies which could help them to overwhelm the problems that they
confront in the work environment. The results of the study appeared
that distinctive age gather of working ladies have diverse kinds of
challenges and issues diverse groups single, married, single parent ,
separated, divorcee, have distinctive problems at stake in the working
environment. A few issues are certainly communal, like physical and
mental anxiety, need of suitable adjust between family and employment
care, unjustifiable treatment in the working environment, worrying
about life and working place discernment etc. But a few challenges are
age or class particular, like stereotyped and thoughtful, security and
safety problems, ego irritation with fellow worker, and issues of glass
ceiling etc. A few solutions for issues troubling urban working ladies
that could help them to overcome the issues that they face in the
working environment are legitimate security and protection measures
by the guardian/parent organizations, touchy and supportive partners
at home, compelling kids care plans and suitable grievance redressal
unfairness for ladies in place at the working environment.

Author Biographies

BIbi Gul

Scholar of UOB 

`Muhammad Yousaf

Assistant Professor of UOB 


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