Analysing the Socio-economic Factors Causing Hepatitis B and C in Balochistan A Case Study of Quetta District
Hepatitis (HBV) and (HCV), causes, impacts, Quetta, BalochistanAbstract
Hepatitis (HBV) and (HCV) are viruses of liver infections. It transpire
without symptoms but can prime to jaundice a yellow discoloration of
the skin, mucous membranes and conjunctiva of the eyes, poor appetite
and tiredness and it might reason acute or as a chronic infection. This
study analyzed the socioeconomic factors which seemingly caused
hepatitis B, C in Quetta Balochistan. Out of 300 patients registered in
Bolan Medical College and Civil hospital were interviewed and
primary data were collected by questionnaire and statistical tools.
Findings showed that main causes which were caused of hepatitis
(HBV) and (HCV) of people they used personal razors of infected
patients, common nail caliper of other people, root canal treatment
(RCT) got blood unsafe blood transfusion, unsafe surgery, used tooth
brush of other people at home, ate fruits without washing, used unsafe
injection, injected drugs were the main caused hepatitis.
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