A Study to Explore the Existing Monitoring and Supervision Mechanism for Government Schools in District Loralai
Bench Mark, Compliance Monitoring, Diagnostic monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Supervision, Physical Resources, Standards, Students Learning Outcomes.Abstract
The aim of monitoring and supervision is to improve the activity in any
institution and mainly it is interaction between individuals and two
persons. The objectives of this work are to explore the current
monitoring and supervision mechanism for public schools in district
Loralai, to investigate the education departmental responsibilities for
monitoring of government schools and to examine how the DEOs,
DDOs and supervisors monitor the performance of public schools.
According to results there are no separate monitoring units for
supervision of public schools in district Loralai. The overall
supervision and monitoring activities are carried out by educational
officers. The education officers of education department have a dual
role of management and monitoring. The learning coordinators are
supposed to help the other teachers in their teaching methods but they
are assigned the duty of monitoring and supervision. According to the
responses of the interviews, most of the participants are saying that
their monitoring system is very simple, weak and not up to date. They
only monitor whether the school is open or not, teachers are regular or
not. Are teachers completing their courses or syllabuses? Whether the
teachers’ attendance is complete or not?
According to the respondents that monitoring system can affect the
learning and teaching process in schools and can strengthen the
capacity of school teachers through the guidance provided by monitor
officers. Almost all the monitoring officers are well qualified and have
monitoring tools in the educational monitoring system. It is concluded
that the present government is trying to manage the monitoring system
of schools but the government itself is not able to implement some
professional steps in this regard, because the appointment of
educational and monitoring officers is on political basis. It is
recommended that there is no role of monitoring system in our
community. Community must play their core role in monitoring in
education but it is still nil in our educational system. More and more
attentions should be paid for the betterment of this monitoring system.
Most of the participants’ responses are that there is no existence of
PTSMCs in education department. There should be a great role of
PTSMCs in monitoring and capacity building of the teachers.
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