New Emerging Challenges of NATO and its Implications on Global Politics


  • Khuda E Dad Baloch
  • Dr. Hussan Ara Magsi


Nato, Emerging challenges, Global politics


NATO has been playing a very pivotal role in global politics. It has
made friendly relations with the members of all states. But, the
Organization is itself going through different challenges. NATO has been
surrounded by with different security, economic and political confronts.
All these have greatly affected the proper functioning of the Alliance
which has enabled many terrorist groups and expansionist states to
increase their influence in global politics. No doubt, NATO is a symbol of
hope for the suffering and peace loving nations of the world. All those
members that are united under the umbrella of NATO realize very much
that the damage of the Alliance will affect the nations at global level and
that if anarchy spreads so it indeed destroys the peace of the member
states. There is no denying of the fact that the survival of NATO is actually
survival of world peace. Throughout its complete period NATO has
protected the nations from the external barbarisms. The protection of the
North Atlantic Alliance is the need of the time and the members should not
miss any opportunity for the defense and strengthening of the
Organization. NATO is a completely distinct organization than rest of the
alliances because it never misses any opportunity for benefitting the other
nations. In short, the world is suffering due to the emerging challenges of
NATO and every challenge is a threat to world communities because it
protects the human rights and hinders the expansionists from the
annexation of poor and weak states

Author Biographies

Khuda E Dad Baloch

Scholar of UOb 

Dr. Hussan Ara Magsi

Professor in POlitical Dep of UOB 


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