The Effects of Parental Occupation and Educational Status on Students’ Dropout A Case Study of kalat District


  • Rehman
  • Muhammad Yousaf


Parents, Occupation, Education, Students, Dropout, Causes


Dropout is a serious issue in Pakistan. lot of student’s dropout at
secondary level without completing secondary level. Dropout is the
situation where a student withdraws from school before completing a
course of instruction. The parental occupation and educational status play
avital role to his children education life. if parents educational and
occupational status is not satisfactory it directly and indirectly effects
student educational career. The main objective of this study is to explore
the effects of parental occupation and educational status on students’ drop
out. The study is descriptive and a total of eighty parents of dropped out
students were interviewed through purposive method of sampling. The
major findings of this study that 40% of parents have low education
levels and 30% of parents were poor status mentioning and others were
their occupation that the major cause of student drops out. From the
examination and outline of this study on the parental characteristics
(occupational and educational status) influencing the academic execution
and drop out of students in secondary schools

Author Biographies


Scholar of UOB

Muhammad Yousaf

Assistant Professor of UOb 


