Causes of Unfair Means Used at Higher Secondary Level in Balochistan


  • Tariq Mehmood
  • Qudoos Khan Kakar


: Balochistan, Supervisory Staff, Unfair means, higher secondary level, education


The use of the unfair means at the higher secondary level in Balochistan is
a massive impediment in the way of quality education. The main aim of the
study is to look at the main reasons of unfair means used at higher
secondary level in Balochistan. In this research paper the survey design
has been used to look into the causes of unfair means existing at higher
secondary level examinations. On the other hand the size of the sample
comprised 500 examinees including boys and girls as well as rural and
urban. From supervisory staff 250 of the supervisory staff were sample for
this study. Cluster sampling technique was used to collect the responses of
the respondents. Questionnaire was developed and used as a tool to
collect the data of the respondents. The findings revealed that the rural
areas percentage 68.4 in terms of being more affected with the menace of
unfair practices than urban areas. This study shows that the reasons
behind the unfair means are administrative reason is the main cause (M=
2.95, SD=.37) political (M= 2.45, SD=.53), Cultural (M= 2.43, SD=.32)
and social causes was (M=2.09, SD=.38) which effect the whole
examination system in Balochistan. The finding reveals that administrative
cause is the main cause of unfair means used in the higher secondary

Author Biographies

Tariq Mehmood

Scholar of UOB 

Qudoos Khan Kakar

Lecturer in UOB 


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