The Impact of Teacher Student Relationship on Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Quetta


  • Gullalai
  • Dr. Syed Ain Uddin


teacher student’s relationship, academic performance, government boys and girls schools


purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of teacher student’s
relationship on student’s academic performance at secondary level In
Quetta. The population of the study comprise of the students of
government boys and girls schools in Quetta. Six schools of Quetta district
are chosen as target population of the study. The sample of the study
comprise of 150 students of boys and girls schools. The respondents are
selected through random sampling technique. The date when collected
was entered In SPSS for further analysis.

Author Biographies


Scholar of UOB 

Dr. Syed Ain Uddin

Pro-Vice Chancellar of UOB 


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