Pak-Turk Relations in Historical Perspective


  • Muhammad Daro Khan
  • Dr. Para Din


Pakistan, Turkey, Relations, Subcontinent, Muslims, Political, Religion, Cooperation.


The study explores the relations between Pakistan and Turkey. The study
will evaluate the long standing ties between Pakistan and Turkey, which
ranges from diplomatic ties to cultural, military and economic relations.
The study will also evaluate the historical bonds between the both nations.
The result of the research reveals the historical bonds between the two
nations. The present strong and cordial ties with in Pakistan and Turkey
date backs to the period of British government in the subcontinent, since
Turkey has emerged as a regional power in the Middle East, and is now
among the top 20 economic powers of the world.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Daro Khan

Scholar of UOB 

Dr. Para Din

Ex- Professor of UOB in Area Study Centre


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