The Causes and Trends of Child Labor in Balochistan


  • Zahid Ahmed
  • Dr. Bashir Ahmed Kakar


Child Labor, Trends of Child Labor, Causes of Child Labor, Child Labor in Balochistan


For several decades it has been observed that, families are forced to get
their children to work due to poverty. Resultantly, the world is suffering
from alarming problem these-days. Child labor can inflict adverse effects
on the children and their families. The work done by children does not
always help their families economically. Because not all of them get wages
of any kind since a large number of them are slaves or bonded labor.
Furthermore, the child lab our in bad working conditions results in mental
and physical disabilities which disturbs their whole life. Children work
gives financial leverage to their families. But in doing so the physical,
mental and emotional health of the children is ignored. Their parents
remain ignorant of this fact and the children lose their adolescence. This
article exemplifies how laws have been framed and adopted in Nigeria
and India to eradicate the child labor. However, the child labor and its
causes continue to persist in the face of all the efforts. The findings from
this study elaborate the factors which drags children to child labor. This
study recommends cooperative efforts undertaken by government, society
and community to decrease child labor. Very innovative and possible
suggestions are given in the end of this study. Quantitative approach of
the study will be conducted. The target population will be the children of
the age 5 to age 14.

Author Biographies

Zahid Ahmed

Scholar of UOB 

Dr. Bashir Ahmed Kakar

Professor in BUITMS


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