Social Base Problem of All India Muslim League


  • Nasreen Achakzai
  • Dr Muhammad Usman Tobawal


Subcontinent, Muslim League, Muslims, Hindus, Partiality


Muslim League was founded to protect rights of Muslims in subcontinent.
Before establishment of Muslim League, Muslims were facing great
hardships; they were not in position to set forth their problems before
British Government. As Muslims realized that without establishment of a
political party, Muslims would not be able to present their demands before
British Government in an organized way. Establishment of a well-known
political party like Muslim League was not the task which could be
accomplished overnight, but it took many years. Various Muslim leader
played vital role in formation of Muslim League. However, as a whole,
Muslims experienced great hardships in its formation. There were various
reasons for establishment of Muslim League. Some envy was causing
hurdles in way of establishment of party

Author Biographies

Nasreen Achakzai

Lecturer in SBK University of Quetta, Balochistan 

Dr Muhammad Usman Tobawal

Director of Pakistan Study Centre of UOB 


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