Effectiveness of Risk Management in the Financial Institution system


  • Muhammad Ayaz Khan
  • Dr. Safia Bano


risk management, financial institutions, Balochistan, Pakistan.


Present research aims at observing how loan dealing is done by the bank
in order to denote the effectiveness of risk management in the financial
institutions system in Balochistan, Pakistan. Sample of one hundred (100)
respondents twenty (20) respondents from each financial institutions were
selected by using simple random sampling method. The sample of the
respondents was determined by using (McCall 1980) table of “selecting
sample sizes” at the 0.05 percentage error rate.Hence; the raw data
collected was tabulated and analyzed by using Statistical Packages for the
Social Sciences (SPSS). One-Way-ANOVA was applied as comparison in
order to check the respondent’s perception about variables as construct at
0.05 alpha levels. Majority (75%) of the respondents had received
education MBA, majority (63%) of the respondents belonged to age group
of 31-40 years. The significant differences were observed six out of nine
categories benefits of considering social issues. Significant differences
were found two out of five statements. Based on achieved results following
recommendation were suggested: Mainly, business mortgage is provided
to the patrons in reasonable quantities of cash so as to operate their
business for the effected manner in order to boast up the bank business.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Ayaz Khan

Scholar of UOB 

Dr. Safia Bano

Professor in IMS Dep of UOB 


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