Literary Status of Interpretations regarding Ullemas of Northern Balochistan


  • Muhammad Qaseem Mehmood
  • Dr. Abdul Ali Achakzai


created this universe, for guidance of people, sent different holy messengers, There are four Holy books namely Tawrat, Injeel, Zaboor and Quran, orth Baluchistan also explained the holy Quran in different languages like Arabic, Pashto and Burahvi


Allah has created this universe and for guidance of people
and he has sent his different holy books and with those books he
has sent different holy messengers. The messengers of Allah came
to this world and preached the message was written in his books.
There are four Holy books namely Tawrat, Injeel, Zaboor and
Quran. Quran is the last holy book of Almighty Allah. The holy
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave the details of this book to his
companions. After his demise this duty was given to his
companions and after them it was given to the scholars. Scholars
are very honest and efficient in their duty.
Among all these scholars some of them worked hard for
writing and teaching the holy Quran to other people. Scholars of
north Baluchistan also explained the holy Quran in different
languages like Arabic, Pashto and Burahvi. They have written
altoof information about Quran. There written books are
available every where. Some of these Scholars are

Moulana Muhammad Yaqoob Sharodi, Moulana Sifwatullah Agha,
Moulana Nakhbatullah Agha and Moulana Ubiadullah Qandhari.They
have written explanatory books of holy Quran like. Kash-ful-Quran,
Sifwat-ul-Bayan, Nakhbat-ul-Bayan and Tafseer-e-Ayobi.
I will deliver in my present article some information about all
of their written books

Author Biographies

Muhammad Qaseem Mehmood

Scholar of UOB 

Dr. Abdul Ali Achakzai

Ex- Professor in Islamiyat Dep of UOb 


(1�(ودى،��ب،�� ا�آن ،��،�� ر��،ج1،ص 9

(2(ا� ،ج1،ص 72

�114 ص،1ج� ،ا) 3)

(4 (ا� ،ج1،ص 440

(5 (ا� ،ج1،ص 442

(6 (ا� ،ج1،ص 442

(7(ا� ،ج1،ص 442

(8(ا� ،ج1،ص 442

(9(ا� ،ج1،ص 442

(10(ا�،ج 2،ص 22

(11(آ���،�ۃ ا� ،��ۃ ا�ن،�،دارا�م ��، 1432ھ،�1،ص 229

(12(ا�،ج1،ص 229

(13(ا�،ج1،ص 229

(123:3) ان �آل)14)

(15� �(ۃ ا�ن،ج1،ص 91

(124:3)ان �آل)16)

(125:3)ان �آل)17)

(18��(ۃ ا�ن،ج1،ص 91

(19(ا�،ج1،ص 91

(20(ا�،ج1،ص 25

(21(ا�،ج1،ص 15

(22(ا�،ج1،ص 15

(23(ا�،ج1،ص 137

(96:3)ان �آل)24)

(25��(ۃ ا�ن،ج1،ص 85

(26(ا�،ج1،ص 27

(27(ا�،ج1،ص 27

ة (28 ،



: ا�ب


، ا�طببعة


فس�ي ب �ر ا��ي، ا��رة، دار ا� ا�بية


) 1384ه،�رۃ �ۃ،آ� ب ا��ي، � � أ�، ا�� ��م ا�آن =


(29�(ى آ�،� ا�،�� ا�ن،��،دارا��� � و�� دارا�م ��،ا�� �،2011م،ج1،ص 37

ت (30 ا ا�� ،

)��،� ا� � �،ردا�ر � ا�را�ر،�وت،دارا�،ا 1992ء،ج6،ص 57� طببعۃ

(31 �،�� (ا�،ا�اد ا��م،�ا�،� دارا�م،1430�ى،ج3،ص 619

(32�،�� ٰ (دا�،�وى �د�،�ا�،دارا��ء �� �رو�،ج3،ص 85

(33 ��(ا�ن،ج1،ص 81

(34(ا�،ج2،ص 133

(35�� ٰ (رى،� �ا��،�وى ر�،�ا�،دارا���،2003،ج7،ص 263

(36�،��(ا�،�وى ��،ا�ڑہ �،�� دارا�م ��،2010ء،ج4،ص 163،162

ت (37 ٰ ااوى ���،�� دارا�م ��،

) زرو�ى،� ��،�وى د�� ��ن ا�وف 2009ء،ج4،ص 129 ببفب

(38 � �(ا�ن،ج1،ص 81

(39���(ى،���،آپ � �� اور ان ��،�ا�،� ���ى،2011م،ج4،ص 576

(40�،�� (ر�،�� ر� �� ��،�ا� ،�� � ��،1429ھ،ج4،ص91

(41�، � ،��� ٰ (وى د�� ��ن ا�وف � �وى ���،�ا�،دارا�م �� زرو� ،2009م،ج4،ص 156

(42 (الموسوعة الفقھیة الكویتیة, الكویت, وزارة الأوقاف والشئون الإسلامیة, الطبعة: 1427 ھـ،ج10،ص 111

(43 (ردا�ر،ج2،ص 395 Fatwa ID:1005-984/H=10/1437(44)

(45(ا�� ��رى،�ا� د��ى،� ا�� �،��، � ا�ا� وا��،2004م،ج1،ص 17

(46(ا�،ج1،ص 17

(47(ا�،ج3،ص 14

(48(آپ � �� اور ان ��،ج5،ص 510



