The Role of Pakistani Women and her economicl Problems
Economical Problems of Women; literature on the empowerment of women; social, economical, cultural, and political aspects of life.Abstract
This research paper have been discussed numerous
studies on Empowerment of Women in Pakistan covering
variety of problems and issues, micro, macro and regional
levels, and almost all general aspects of related to women
empowerment have been studies by social, economical and
political scholars.
As apparent from the preceding detailed discussion on
the existing literature on the empowerment of women at
different levels in Pakistan, attempts made so far suffer
discerningly although with the following significant limitations:
(i) All the studies reveals a predominant bias of being macro
level studies. Such studies by their very nature do not touch the
core of reality, since it is not possible to know from the inner
base of the mountain, the problem. The correct approach
necessary is to dissect the problem into small pieces and then
make an intensive effort to assess the reality; (ii) In the present
development context in Pakistan, rapid changes are taking place
on the economic scene, which bring in their trail, far reaching
changes in the social, cultural, and political aspects of life.
Therefore, even though a number of micro-studies
existing, initiating of a new study in this area would have
undiluted importance as such an attempt is bound to throw up
several new facts in any empirical exercise having a bearing on
policy issues. Thus, on its own, the necessity of a new micro
study remains evergreen.
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