Habib Jalib, a Genuine Voice of Common Man and His Illuminating Thoughts on Peace


  • Naseeb Ullah
  • Dr. Abdul Qadir


Habib Jalib, Poet, Masses, Rights, Peace etc.


The main objective of this study is to elaborate Habib Jalib’s struggle for
masses’ rights and his views about peace in the society. Habib Jalib used
his poetry to sensitize people about their social and political rights. His
kindling thoughts provided life blood to the poor condition of common
man. Another quality of Habib Jalib was that he remains loyal to the
people all his life which gained for him the title of “Poet of Masses”
(shaair-e awaam). Unlike his contemporary politicians and poets, Jalib
never compromised on the ideals of masses rights which he recommended
for himself. Habib Jalib views about peace testify his genius and his
cosmopolitan outlook. This study will highlight the role of Habib Jalib for
masses rights and also point out his views about peace.

Author Biographies

Naseeb Ullah

Scholar of UOb 

Dr. Abdul Qadir

Professor in IR Dep of UOB 


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