Community Supporting Mechanism of Solid Waste Management A Workable Model of Primary Waste Collection (A Case Study of District Quetta)


  • Hakeem Ullah
  • Dr Muhammad Alam Tareen


Solid waste management, community supported mechanism, human civilization, logical responses, sense of ownership and preliminary effort


The difference between ratio of solid waste generation and its collection
and proper management is a major contributing factor towards the issue
of environmental degradation everywhere. Unfortunately, Quetta is
confronted with such a deplorable situation. As a result, it seems to have
been forced to get its once positive characteristics of “little Paris”
replaced by the second most polluted cities of Pakistan after Faisalabad.
In order to get the situation reversed, awareness and willingness do exist
among all stakeholders such as all three tiers of government, the private
sector, civil society organizations including researchers, academicians
and sensitized citizens and communities. Such as an effort of community
support mechanism for primary collection of solid waste is successfully
operational in Quetta City, however, with limited approach, resources,
political support and areas of operation / coverage.
This research paper explores and explains details along with immediate
effect of an operational mechanism while highlighting its pros and cons so
that it can be best replicated elsewhere in the country. Data has been
collected from grass root level and relevant literature has been reviewed
to get it accomplished. Based on the findings of both primary and
secondary data analyses the study was concluded while suggesting policy
recommendations to relevant stakeholders to overcome the issue.

Author Biographies

Hakeem Ullah

Scholar of UOB 

Dr Muhammad Alam Tareen

Chairperson of Sociology Department 


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