Enhancing the Effectiveness of E-Learning Implementation in Government Boys Colleges (Case Study of Quetta)
E-learning, student, Technology, Computer, expectancy, learning style, Instruction, Network, Hypertext, Learn, Electronic.Abstract
The research aims to implement E-Learning System in Government Boys
Colleges of Quetta in the scope of globalization with the assistant of
technology evolution, electronic learning becomes popular more and
more. A lot of academic foundations provide many courses to their
students among electronic media. By the time e-learning become more and
more complicated, and many problems have occurred. E-learning
providers compete to provide a good learning environment by gaining
improvements to their systems. This issue is the key for e-learning quality
that leads to satisfied products. In this paper, I will give a brief overview
about e-learning and I will list some key factors for gaining quality in elearning system. E-learning become more effective and more efficient with
the web technologies improvements, so I will focus here on developing
learning systems as an online service through Web Based or Web
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