The Significance of Second Language Learning and Teaching


  • Nasir Khan
  • Khan


Native language (L1), second language acquisition (SLA), non-native language (L2)


Second-language acquisition or learning, is also known as L2 (nonnative language) learning, is the process by which an individual
acquires a non-native language. L2 learning is also the practical moot
discipline constant to learning that procedure. The arena of L2
learning is a subdivision of applied linguistics. The dialect that students
use is not just the result of variances amongst the dialects that they
earlier learnt and the language they are learning, but it’s a
comprehensive dialect system, through its own organized instructions.
This paper discusses such an organized instruction system that has the
five stages of SLA namely speech emergence, intermediate fluency,
advance fluency, early production and pre-production and
Comparisons with first-language acquisition and significance of SLA in
learning process

Author Biographies

Nasir Khan

Scholar of UOB 


Professor of UOB 


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