George Sale and the Holy Quran


  • Muhammad Ibrahim
  • Sahabzada Baz Muhammad


George sale, translation of the Quran into English, George’s book “The Koran”


The way George sale gets popularity about hisbook” The
Quran” it is not hidden from any orientalist whether it is from our era
or from any past century. Although he is ancestor of many biased
orientalists. He born in 1697 in cent bury Kent,England - died in 1736,
London, England) was an orientalist and practicing solicitor, best
known for his 1734 translation of the Quran into English which is
completely inconsistent, repugnant with belief of Islam. Allegation are
leveled against Muhammad (PBUH).He tried time and again to prove
that “The HolyQuran the book or the author of the holy Quran is
prophet(PBUH). if we go through out his book or when you review
George’s book “The Koran” you will find out that there is biasness
,essence of prejudice which is poison for any researcher so I tried my
level best to take out all facts which are not relevant ,blind shooting
in the dark, which are just to show enmity nothing else . I tried to
holdtightly Mr. George sale where he has left the rope of justice,
neglected the principles of research, theprinciples of natural justice.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Ibrahim

Scholar of UOB

Sahabzada Baz Muhammad

Professor in Islamiyat Dep of UOB 


George sale,” The Koran” (New York: red brick warm and company,

p: 48.

Mohar Ali Muhammad, Dr,“The Qur’an and Orientalists”(jam’iyat

‘ihyaa’minhaaj al-sunnah,2004) p:331

Rod well, j.m “The Koran” (New York: jm) preface.AuthorJeffery”,

The Koran “The Koran selected suras translated heritage” (New York

press,1958) p:19

Mohar Ali Muhammad, Dr, “The Qur’an and Orientalists”, p332:

ibid p: 331

:1 القرآن. 1

Sweet Man,j,”Islam and Christian theology”,(latter worth London

,1945) vol,p :5۔

Mohar Ali Muhammad, Dr., “The Qur’an andOrientalist”, p331.335۔

:19 القرآن. 2

Ghulam Sarwar, Hafiz, “Translation of Holy Quran” p: xxx111

Mohar Ali Muhammed, Dr. “The Qur’an and Orientalists”, p331.341۔

Polmar,e,h”The Koran”,P 39۔

George, sale “The Koran” (New York,1890) p:49

:1 القرآن. 3

.الازہری ، پیرکرم شاه ،"ضیا النبی" ( لاہور: ضیا القرآن پبلی کشنز ،سن

ذیعقده 1418ھ) جلد ششم ص 413


George, sale “The Koran” (New York, 1890) p: 49.

� 447 � ص� ءا. � 6

.اا�۔ :2

:14 آن�ا. 8

.ا�آن 49

خ 10 .اارى "(��ہ :دار ا�ر ،�


ز�وق ،�د �ى د�ر "ا��اق و ا� ا�� 1989(ص10 ل���راع ا

.ا�، ص 109

�ء 447 � 465 ُ 12 .ا� ،ص

George sale, “the Koran “Rredrik Waran and Company New York1890 p 8 to 47.


