A Study of Ghazi Amir Amanullah Khan's Domestic and Foreign Policies in Afghanistan Historical Overview


  • Faiz Muhammad Barrech
  • Dr. Kaleem Ullah Khan Barrech


:Dramatic political and social change,conciliatory relations,mediation, etc.


In the annals of Afghanistan history, Ghazi Amanullah Khan is called the
national hero and got sublime personality around Afghanistan. He used
his intellectuality to modernize the mother land even created new
cosmopolitan schools for boys and girls in the region. The main objectives
of researcher in this work are to describe all opportunities and challenges
in the relationship of Amir Amanullah khan’s struggles. This research
work, recommends a clear understanding of Amanullah khan’s relations
with Pashtoon nation generally, specifically in Afghanistan. The primary
theory has been experienced with special reference toward Amoir
Amanullah khan’s personal interest in national movements. Moreover, his
personality has been analyzed through the several issues as crisis
management deal and how he dealt the critical situation for the
completion of this research work, researcher has adopted the descriptive
and analytical methods, while taking secondary data.

Author Biographies

Faiz Muhammad Barrech

Scholar of UOB 

Dr. Kaleem Ullah Khan Barrech

Chairmen of History Deptartment of UOB 


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