Political Status of Balochistan from 1971 to 1988


  • Rabia Abdullah
  • Dr. Noor Ahmed


Balochistan, political status, separatists, democracy


Since, the independence of Pakistan; Political status of Balochistan has
been a core issue for the sustainability of society and the people living
with in the territory of this country. its political background is more likely
to be called as two edged ,because it faced worst conditions in the form of
thousands of civilian being killed by the state themselves ,as well as being
privileged by same authorities .1971 was the initiation of democracy in
this province and 1973 is called to be a violent year in the political history
of this province .Balochistan in late 70s and early 80s have seen the glory
of economic , social and cultural uplift while the province also met with
tragic wars between state agency and separatist organizations .this paper
analysis those important political events which played significant role
behind backwardness, likewise prejudicial behavior of center creates
freedom fighters and towards the development of this province for
instance abolishment of ‘one unit’, restoration of democracy in its true
shape and handling the affairs of province to their own people .the history
witnessed two types of politics the nationalist and their rivalry ethnic
parties ruled the province.

Author Biographies

Rabia Abdullah

Scholar of UOB 

Dr. Noor Ahmed

Associate Professor in Pak Study Centre 


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