Re-examining Leadership Touchstone


  • Nazir Ahmed Kasi
  • Dr Muhammad Usman Tobawal


Leadership, transformational leadership, transactional leadership.


This paper examines the role of leadership in different spheres of life in
general. Besides the paper explores different kinds of leadership styles
used by leaders in various ways accordingly. The paper adopts a
qualitative descriptive and exploratory approach. An exploratory
approach helps the researcher to present an in-depth critical synthesis of
different types of leadership styles. Further, a qualitative exploratory
approach also enables the researcher to present an authentic comparative
analysis of transformational leadership and transactional leadership. It is
concluded that Pakistan needs authentic transformational leaders who can
work for the betterment of the country by using their leadership skills
without any personal interest.

Author Biographies

Nazir Ahmed Kasi

Assistant Professor in Pak Study Dep

Dr Muhammad Usman Tobawal

Director of Pak- Study Centre 


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