Artical Political Empowerment of Women in Balochistan


  • Azmatullah
  • Dr Muhammad Alam Tareen


Women political participation, women political efficacy, women political trainings, mobilization of media and level of civic participation, women political empowerment.


Women’s political empowerment, demonstration in decision making and
women’s political involvement and participation had continued
insignificant regardless that women institute more population as
compared to men in world today. With the liberalization of society world
is moving towards the gender balanced society while pointing the
problems concerned with women status, and by encouraging satisfactory
involvement of women in decision making and establishing the policies in
general and political participate in particular. The women political
participation has discrepancies around the globe. This study illustrated
the role of women in the political arena of Balochistan and the effect of
women political participation on women political empowerment. As
Balochistan is a less developed province of Pakistan and traditional
Women have been disregarded from the configurations of state that carry
out and regulate political activities and legislative primacies. The study
focused on five different elements that may have strong effect on women
empowerment and women political participation. This paper carried out
to analyze the effect of women political participation, women political
efficacy, women political trainings, mobilization of media and level of
civic participation on women empowerment. Eight political parties were
considered in Quetta division that has women political activists of
respective parties. The total sample size was 400 women political
activists; 420 questionnaires were distributed. The results found that all
five independent variable i-e women political participation, women
political efficacy, women political trainings, mobilization of media and
level of civic participation were positively correlated with women political

empowerment. So we accepted null hypothesis and rejected alternative

Author Biographies


Scholar of UOB 

Dr Muhammad Alam Tareen

Chairman of Sociology of UOB


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