Grievances of Pashtun and Baloch in Balochistan Against Center (Islamabad)


  • Allahuddin
  • Muhammad Asif


grievances of the people of Balochistan., reservations with the federal government since the independence, wage war against government


This paper is going to highlight the core grievances of the people of
Balochistan. the province is largest in area in Pakistan but the people are
having reservations with the federal government since the independence of
the country. Meanwhile due to their long denial of their rights the people
than decided to wage war against government several times as a result
government had also launched operations against them.
In addition to this the main ethnic groups of Balochistan are Pashtun and
Baloch. where AS both are affected from the repressive policies of center
but only one community waged war of independence against center. So my
paper is going to address the question that why only balochs are having
reservation with government not Pashtun. Because Pashtuns had never
struggled against federation. Thus the paper will through a light over it by
focusing over separatist movement in comparative.

Author Biographies


Scholar of UOB 

Muhammad Asif

Lecturer in  History Dep of UOB 


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