Poverty Alleviation Through National Rural Support Program (NRSP) A Case Study of Microenterprises (Shop Keepers) In District Kech


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  • Gohram Baloch


the role of National rural support program, eradication of poverty, implementation mechanism


This particular research has been conducted to analyze the role of
National rural support program kech for the eradication of poverty in the
concerned district. The main objectives of the study are to evaluate the
implementation mechanism, and examine the contribution to job creation
in addition., assess the effects of program of poverty reduction (small
scale business)enterprises(shop keepers) on the livelihood of beneficiaries
who are availing small scales enterprise (shop keepers) of program of
poverty reduction by NRSP.As small scales business/rural micro credit is
a kind of financial support which is provided to the poor rural people to
start their personal small private business and so that they get
empowered economically and become finically sound in addition become
self-employed and self-sufficient.
To have get finished and minimize the extreme poverty rural support
activities and programs are known the best tool globally. NRSP kech is
working in district kech since 1993 therefore, it is important to conduct a
research that is NRSP providing its efforts efficiently to get the intensity of
poverty minimized or not ?To have achieved the objectives of this study
the researcher used interview schedule to collect the required data ,the
data has been collected from 100 participants which have been divided
into male 31 and female 69 ,in addition, quantitative approach including
descriptive research design have been used in this research. The
researcher has chosen the program of NRSP to be under study that is
program of poverty reduction (PPR) and selected the component rural
enterprise small scale business.

Author Biography

Gohram Baloch

Scholar of UOB 


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