Socio-Economic Factors influencing people towards Panhandling in District Quetta Pakistan


  • Zohra Asad
  • Nasir Khan


Panhandling, Begging, Poverty, Critical, Illiteracy, Primary, Secondary, Charity, NGO’s, Zakat, ILO, Mazuma


Panhandling has become a critical social issue in under developed
countries. There is different problem interlinked with it, like poverty,
illiteracy, broken families and lack of jobs. Current study aims to
investigate the social and economic causes of panhandling in District
Quetta. The primary as well as secondary data is used for compilation of
that study. The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection from
beggars for the sake of Primary data. According to the study the large no
of beggars was illiterate and they were living in rented houses. They had
no facility of clean drinking water, house ownership, energy facility and
educational opportunities. The socio-economic aspects shown that
panhandling was more common in uneducated males, elderly and married
people The ratio of Muslims was high than non-Muslims as a socio
cultural characteristics, because of the open heartedness of Muslims
regarding charity. According to the findings of the study The Government,
welfare department and NGO’s should play a more constructive role to
raze the crime of panhandling

Author Biographies

Zohra Asad

Scholar of UOB 

Nasir Khan

Assistant Professor in UOB 


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