Relationship between Government and People A Case Study of Balochistan


  • Javereya Amin
  • Hussan Ara Magsi


Democracy, Geographical situation, Local Government,Local organizations, Legislative law, Primary Education, Union Council.


The relationship between government and people is a most crucial factor
that plays a major role towards well-being of people. The subjective of
this study was to find out the different interactions related to relationship
between Government and People, to find out the impact of relationship on
Government Services and to explore the existing relationship among
government and people. Mixed method (qualitative cum quantitative) was
used. The sample was collected randomly. The data was collected from
common people and government officials through two types of
questionnaires having close and open handed questions. First
questionnaire was specified for government official and other for common
people, each questionnaire consisted of 20 to 25 questions. The
government officials belong to twenty different departments of Balochistan
government including education, health, local government department,
and home department etc. SPSS software was used for data collection and
the results were presented in tubular and graphic form. According to
results 51 percent common people replied that government does not
involve them in government projects. 82 percent people replied that
government officials do not consult with people before starting of any
project. When asking about the visits of government officials or elected
members in their area, 77 percent said no the elected person were not
used to visit their area. The question asked about people perception of
building relationship as due to weak relationship is the main cause of
failure of government projects 40 percent replied agreed, 32 percent
strongly agreed, 19 percent disagreed, 8 percent totally disagreed and 2
percent have no opinion. It was concluded that there was weak
relationship between people and government in Balochistan and it was
recommended that government must coordinate with local community

before starting any intervention or government project or any foreign aid
projects and information and awareness is to be provided to all level of
people regardless of their ethnicity about the right of people and types of

Author Biographies

Javereya Amin

Scholar of UOb 

Hussan Ara Magsi

Professor of UOB 


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