Critical Analysis of CIA’s Failure in Afghanistan


  • Abdul Rub
  • Shazia Jaffar


Afghanistan, Strategic war, C.I.A, Pakistan etc.


International watch dog analysis that all security agencies have evolved
from state institution tasked to help other government institution has
slowly and gradually evolved to such might and power that they have
become state within the state. They have role in making state business
according to their needs and necessities. In most of the under developed
countries they are even considered as the real bastion of power and state
institution such as legislation, Executive and Judiciary have become
literally paralyzed. These security agencies have symbiotic relations with
other security agencies belonging to other states. Throughout the world
they are literally shaping the foreign policy of particular country.
Hawkish elements in the corridors of power make the security of whole
world at stack and doldrums.
In his early weeks as director Tanet was invited by former president
Gerald Ford to appear on a panel titled “Does America Need the CIA?”
The mere existence of such an event signaled how low the agency had
fallen. As he prepared his speech, Tenet returned to the CIA’s founding by
Harry Truman. The agency’s purpose was to prevent another Pearl
Harbor. The CIA was “an insurance policy” against that sort of strategic
surprise. “It is clear to me that the potential for dangerous surprise is as
great as ever,” he told Ford’s panel. “That is true whether I look at
terrorist groups whose sole purpose is to harm American interests, the
biological weapons that Saddam Hussein is still trying to build and to hide
in Iraq, or the programs Iran has for building intermediate range missiles
and nuclear weapons.” There were certain undeniable causes for the
failure of CIA in Afghanistan. Although to some extant CIA has attained
its goals but the overall evaluation reveals that CIA has failed in

achievement of its cause due to numerous reasons. This study represents
as well as focuses the factors which paved the way making C.I.A to be
completely failed in Afghanistan to achieve its particular goals.

Author Biographies

Abdul Rub

Scholar of UOB 

Shazia Jaffar

Assistant Professor of Pak Study 


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