Artical The Arab Spring and Saudi-Iranian Rivalry


  • Sher Ali Kakar
  • Abdul Manan Kakar


Saudi Arabia, Iran, Middle East, Gulf, Arab Spring, Rivalry.


The study is an attempt to explore the Saudi-Iranian relations after
the Arab spring 2011. The uprising of 2011 have deep and profound
impacts on the relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. After the event
the relations between the Saudi Kingdom and Iran took a new dimension
and their rivalry get intensified. The uprisings engaged many regional
states in internal conflict and unending rivalry. The region took the shape
of battle ground as many regional states experienced civil war and
violence. The study underscores the historical incident of 2011 and its
impacts on the political dynamics of the region. The event engaged the
kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran proxies against each other. The study
highlights the historical events of 2011 and analyses the post Arab spring
era in Saudi-Iranian relations, and Saudi-Iranian proxies in some
regional states. The paper explores how the historical events of 2011 have
exacerbated the already tense relation between Saudi and Iran. The study
also suggests some points important for normalization of Saudi-Iranian
relations. Data for this study is collected using secondary source of data

Author Biographies

Sher Ali Kakar

Scholar of UOB 

Abdul Manan Kakar

Ex-professor of UOb 


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