The Causes of Girls’ Dropout at Secondary School Level in QuettaCity


  • Abdul Ahad
  • Dr. Sajida Noureen


: Dropout, Girls Education, Economic, Household, School level and Cultural factors.


The dropout issue is one of the most alarming issues in
field of education throughout the world The dropout issue may be different
in ratio expressively in both male and female students. The present was
conducted at Baleli and Kuchlak union councils. The target sample
number was 120 respondents. They were inquired through questionnaire.
In the view to the conducted research, this is assumed that the key causes
of the dropout of girls at secondary school level are cultural factors,
school level factors, household factors and economic factors which can be
countered by providing proper facilitations trained counselors in
educational system. While studying many of the researches about the
dropout done in the past, the issue of dropout students from the schools
has been conceded out heedlessly of students’ gender. The studies about
the dropout of the girls have also been done by many of the researchers
throughout the world in their respective regions. Therefore, this study as
well represents a particular geographical region; it also covers more
factors such as early marriages, pregnancy, absenteeism, etc. That may be
contributing extensively in the increase of dropout foremost in female
students and the impacts of these factors are always negative on
educational system.

Author Biographies

Abdul Ahad

Scholar of UOB

Dr. Sajida Noureen

VC of SBK University 


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