Primary School Dropouts of girls and Its Impact on Literacy A Sociological Analysis of District Zhob, Balochistan


  • Muhammad Abid Sherani
  • Pervaiz Ahmed


Zhob, Girls, Literacy, Dropout, Balochistan etc.


Female illiteracy is a social curse especially when the illiteracy has a
direct impact on the cause of women empowerment. Similarly, the
excessive dropout of the girls from the schools of Zhob is leaving deep
imprints on the literacy rate as a whole. Overriding poverty and the lack of
financial resources have triggered a seriously concerning dropout of girls
from the schools. Where impoverishment of the parents prevents them
from sending their children to the schools, there the government is to be
held equally accountable for its obvious attitude toward the abysmal plight
of education in district Zhob. To determine the exact facts and figures, the
quantitative method was executed and a total of 384 people were chosen
for the research. 214 of them were females and the other rest were male
participants. The results of the SPSS demonstrate that the girls’ dropout in
Zhob is caused by both by the negligence of the government and poverty

Author Biographies

Muhammad Abid Sherani

Scholar of UOb 

Pervaiz Ahmed

Assistant Professor 


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