An Analysis of the Impacts of 9/11 on Pashto Short Stories in Southern Pashtoonkhwa:


  • Naseer Ahmed Nangial
  • Dr. Javed Iqbal


Pashto, 9/11, Analysis, Short Stories, Pashtoonkhwa etc.


The scholars in this dissertation have intellectually strived to evaluate the
effects of post 9/11 incident on Pashto short stories transcribed in
Southern Pashtoonkhwa (the title attributed to Pashtoon belt falling into
Balochistan province) literature. The perplexing 9/11 episode has not only
foreshadowed a new turning point in global affairs at an unanticipated
way, but it has also dramatically transformed the literature of dwellers –
residing at the Pak-Afghan porous borders. The precedents of the war
hysteria and assaults on Afghanistan by the world powers – following the
9/11 attacks in America – to chastise the later for offering sanctuary to the
architect of the confounding manoeuvres. This can easily perceive in the
form of characters and particularly in short stories of the region. The
researchers have categorized scores of short stories written specifically in
the post- 9/11, which contained copious instances of the incident.

Author Biographies

Naseer Ahmed Nangial

Scholar of UOB 

Dr. Javed Iqbal

Professor of UOB 


Dewaan Rehmat “Khidmat” Jang, Pashto Narriwala Maraka Quatta, page

Panizai, Nazar, Muhammad, “Da Azadai Kannai “dinosaur”, Skaam Adabi

Tolana, page 69.

Sarwar-Farooq “Geergai Gezhaka” Skaam Adabi Tolana, page 3.

Sarwar-Farooq “Mujrim” page 8-9.

Sarwar-Farooq. “Zanzeerona” lasoona, Gosha e Adab Quetta, page 111.

Sarwar-Farooq. “Zanzeerona” Nawalad, Gosha e Adab Quetta, page 106.


