Acoustic Analysis of /F/ Sound on Final Position in Pashtun Speakers of English:


  • Asmat Uallah
  • Muhammad Zeeshan


acoustics, labiodental fricative /f/, bilabial plosive /p/, Received Pronunciation,


Bilingualism is the need of the hour, for the world has shrunk a
great deal. In the ongoing process of globalization, English language has
emerged as one of its agent. People throughout the world desire to learn
English in order to communicate other fellow beings beyond the
boundaries. L2 learners often face troubles in its acquisition on different
levels. Pashtun speakers of English are one such cultural group which
receives negative interference from L1 while they produce labiodental
fricative /f/ sound on final position of any word. This study is aimed at
deviation from RP in articulation of /f/ sound especially when it is on final
position. This study needed a qualitative data and ethnographic research
design; for being related to a specific behavior of a cultural entity. In
order to pursue the objectives of study, 10 participants from native
Pashto-speaking community were selected. Half of them belong to Lower
Middle Class (henceforth LMC) while the other half were from Higher
Middle Class (HMC). This was to measure the difference of acquisition
based on higher degree of exposure. Long interactive session with the
target population and semi structured interview were carried out. Later on
a list of (05) words with /f/ sound on final position were given to the
participants to read it out and their pronunciations were recorded.
Afterwards these sounds were analyzed through Praat. The findings
revealed that deviation from RP does exist and also that the level of
deviation differ to a greater extent between the two groups.

Author Biographies

Asmat Uallah

Scholar of UOB

Muhammad Zeeshan

Scholar of UOb 


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