Impact of Judicial Activism in Pakistan


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  • Muhammad Aslam Waseem


Suo Moto, Public Interest Litigation, Judicial Activism, Federal Government, Law Making, Judicial Review. Etc


Unprecedented wave of judicial activism has been witnessed in Pakistan
since 2001. The fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution of
Pakistan has broadened the scope of Judicial Activism and the volume of
public interest litigation “PIL” has been expanding in all walks of life.
Consistent and continuous exercise of judicial authorities by the
Supreme Court of Pakistan “SCP” through “Suo Moto” (action on
court’s own motion) jurisdiction4
have political, social, economic impacts.
The Apex Court of Pakistan has delivered many judgments under Article
184 (3) of Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and assumed “Suo
Moto” jurisdiction on the matters of public interest since 2001. Moreover,
the Apex Court also declared many constitutional amendments, statutes
and governmental policies null and void. The Judgments delivered by the
Apex Court in these cases would have their long-lasting implications.
Through this article I shall examine the likely outcomes of public interest
litigation in the political and constitutional arena of Pakistan. Suo Moto
actions by Supreme Court as a routine matter raise serious questions
regarding the functioning of the executives and fulfillment of international
obligations created through various treaties and agreements signed by
Federal Government of Pakistan. Keeping in view the issues this paper
examines the scope of judicial activism; its origin, philosophy of Public
Interest Litigation, expansion in Suo Moto actions, constitutional
provisions with regard to the powers of apex judiciary and its impacts on
the economy of Pakistan.

Author Biography

Muhammad Aslam Waseem

Scholar of UOB


Cases in Pakistani Jurisdiction and on International Forum:

MLD 1055 Lahore

YLR 2403 Karachi

Abdul Haq Baloch v. Government of Baluchistan, PLD [2011] SC 835

Baluchistan High Court Suo moto case [2013] Monthly Case Law

Update vol.5, Constitution Chp.3, p 2 February 2013, Lahore High

Court Research Centre Publication 2013


Darshan Mashi V. the State, PLD [1990] SC, 513

Dr. Mobashir Hassan and others V. Federation of Pakistan, etc

EOBI Constitution Petition No.35 of [2013]SC

Human Rights Case No. 7734-G/2009 & 1003-G/2010 [2012] SCMR 773

(Alleged Corruption in Rental Power Plants) and other connected

Human Rights Cases

Human Rights Case No.5377-P OF 2010 Application by Kh. Ahmed Tariq

Rahim, Sr. ASC

Human Rights Cases Nos. 4668 OF 2006, 1111 OF 2007 AND 15283-

GOF 2010 P L D [2010] Supreme Court of Pakistan

Jamat-e-Islami through Amir and others versus Federation of Pakistan and

others, P L D [2009] SC 549

Malik Asad Ali v. The Federation of Pakistan, P L D 1998 SC 161

Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif v Federation of Pakistan, P L D [2004]

SC 583

Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry V. The President of Pakistan

PLD [2007] SC

Nadeem Ahmed Advocate V. Federation of Pakistan through Secretary,

Ministry of Law and Justice, Islamabad and others” In the

Supreme Court of Pakistan (original jurisdiction) short order dated

st July, [ 2009] in Constitutional Petitions Nos.8 and 9of 2009

P L D [2011] Supreme Court 213

PHC suo moto [2013] notice on barring women from casting their votes

Qazi Siraj-ud-Din Sanjrani and another. V Federation of Pakistan & others

Constitution Petition No.1 OF 2011

Sabir Shah v. Federation of Pakistan PLD [1994] SC 738

Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati, etc. V. Federal Government etc.

Constitution Petition No.4 Of 2011 & Cma No.295 Of 2011

Shahid Orakzai v Pakistan PLD [2011] SC 365

Shehla Zia v. Wapda and others, PLD [1994] SC, 693

Suo Moto by Lahore High Court PLD [2010] Lahore 23

Suo Moto Case 18 of 2010 PLD [2011] SC 821.National Insurance

Company sca

Suo moto case No 03 of 2012 Supreme Court (SC) of Pakistan

Suo Moto Case No 15 of 2009 PLD [2012] SC 610

Suo Moto Case No 4 of 2010. PLD [2012] SC 553

Suo Moto Case No. 10 of [2005]

Suo Moto case No. 13 [2005]

Suo Moto case No. 14 [2009] before Supreme Court of Pakistan

Suo Moto case No. 15 of 2007, [2011] SCMR 255

Suo Moto Case No. 4 of [2010] Adnan A. Khawaja versus The State

Suo Motu Case No 13 of 2009 PLD [2011] SC 619

Suo Motu case No 24 of 2010 PLD [2011] SC 963

Suo Motu Case No. 24 OF 2010 [P L D 2011] Supreme Court 277

Suo Motu Case No.5 of [2012] in the Supreme Court of Pakistan order

dated 7th June 2012

Supreme Court Bar Association V. Federation of Pakistan and others, PLD

SC 269 constitutional petition No. 14/2010

Tariq Azzizudin and other [2010] SCMR 1301,

Tethyan Copper Company Limited V. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan

ICSID Case No. ARB/12/1 [2012]

The Bank of Punjab and others V. Haris Steel Industries(Pvt.) Ltd and

Others P L D [2010] Supreme Court 1109

Watan Party and another V. Federation of Pakistan and others Constitution

Petition No.69 Of 2010:

Wattan Party and others v Federation of Pakistan and others, [2006] SC,

SCP Constitution Petition No. 9 of 2006 & Civil Petition Nos. 345

& 394 Of 2006

Yasir Khan v. Vice-Chancellor, University of Punjab, Lahore [2005] YLR

Cases before English Jurisdiction:

Dr. Bonham, 8 Co. Rep. 114 Court of Common Pleas [1610], 3. Day v.

Savadge, Hob 84 K.B [1614]

Heydon [1584] 76 ER 637: England and Wales High Court (Exchequer

Court) Decisions

Cases before US Jurisdiction:

Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, 494, U.S. 652 [1990]

Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern [2006]

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483, 74 S. Ct. 686, 98

L. Ed. 873 [1954]

Citizens United V. Federal Election Commission [2010]

Marbury v. Madison 5 U.S. 137 [1803]

McConnell v. Federal Election Comm'n, 540 U.S. 93, 203–209 [2003]

McCulloch v. Maryland 4 Wheat. (17 U.S.)316, 4 L.Ed. 579 [1819] Plessy

v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537, 16 S. Ct. 1138, 41 L. Ed. 256 [1896]

National Federation of Independent Business Et Al. v. Sebelius, Secretary

of Health and Human Services, [2012]


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The Constitution of Pakistan 1973


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