New Media Role in the Dynamics of Pakistan Politics


  • Rahim Ullah
  • Dr. Babrak Niaz


Media, Politics, Role, Facebook, Whats-app, etc.


The purpose of this research is exploring utility of new media by
politicians in world in general and in Pakistan in particular, including its
influences on political culture in Pakistan. This research moderately
emphasizes enlightening the practices of political activists of different
political parties both in urban and rural areas. The study recommends
quick adoption of new media by both rural and urban political activists.
Facts designate that Facebook is an overwhelmingly used interacting
website in young people for spreading information of political nature than
other platforms of new media, such as blogs, Twitter, Whats-app and email, etc. The study shows usage of mobiles for politically sensitizing
people by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). This research creates an
encouraging association between political awareness and new media use
in qualified political activists. Taking into consideration the whole
literateness, internet infiltration, frequent hours of power breakout, and
other weird social and economic aspects, this research purports that the
influence of new media in the political domain is restricted in comparison
to the common opinion. New media has not only affected the politics of
Pakistan but across the Globe. This was actually new media which was
solely responsible for Arab Spring. Moreover, phenomenon of the fake is
also the product of new media.

Author Biographies

Rahim Ullah

Scholar of UOB

Dr. Babrak Niaz

Assistant Professor of Uob 


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