Public Perception about the Social Impacts of Recreation A Case Study of Quetta City


  • Lamiya Nasir
  • Dr Romana Ambreen


Recreation, Perception, Social impacts, Quetta


This study has been carried out to analysis mainly the perceptions of
residents about social impacts of recreation in Quetta city. In this study
both primary and as well secondary data were utilized. However,
questionnaire was taken as a key tool for data collecting. Since
recreational acts are just carried out for amusement, but these activities
also have strong impacts on our society, so the focus of this specific study
is to examine the opinions of the citizens about social impacts of
recreation on Quetta city. In this manner there are several social benefits
recognized that can be achieved through well manage recreational
activities. Since in mountainous station of Quetta city, where diverse
people are living together with some similar and some dissimilar faiths, as
a result it became vital to identify the opinion of the people. Thus, this
study is centered on scientific approach and an attempt to differentiate the
perception of the people about recreation. So, in this study primary data
were collected through planning an adequate questionnaire. After that this
data were analyzed through using SPSS statistic version 20 and Microsoft
excel sheet.

Author Biographies

Lamiya Nasir

Scholar of UOB

Dr Romana Ambreen

Professor of UOB


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