Monitoring of Urban Sprawl and Land Use Pattern Using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing


  • Fatima Nawaz
  • Drt. Muhammad Jamal Nasir


Land Use/Land Cover, Urban Sprawl, GIS and Remote Sensing, Change Detection


Land is an essential resource on which all the activities of life are based.
Land use is dynamic and is one of the main driving forces of the global
environmental changes. Urban growth has increased the utilization of the
natural resources and it has remarkably changed the land use land cover
pattern. In this research an attempt has been made to study the impact of
urban sprawl on land use changes on Warsak Road Peshawar between
1995 and 2015 by using GIS and Remote Sensing. Supervised
classification techniques (maximum likelihood) were employed for land
use land cover classification. The result shows that a tremendous increase
in built-up area, population, and decrease in vegetation cover in 2015 as
compared to 1995 were examined. The built-up area increased by 574.6
hectares throughout the study period, and vegetation
coverdecreasedby610.17 hectares. The information collected on the urban
growth through the land use and land cover change detection is very
beneficial to the local government and urban planners for betterment of
the future plans of sustainable development of the city.

Author Biographies

Fatima Nawaz

Scholar of UOB 

Drt. Muhammad Jamal Nasir

Professor of UOB 


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