The Triumph of the Oppressed Clergy in 1979 Revolution and the Decay of Iran-US Ties


  • Akram Jan
  • Dr. Abdul Manan


: Iranian Revolution, Coup, Clergy, politics, Secular


Iran-U. S ties have been hostile, since 1979 revolution when Iranian
Clergy after around seven decades’ destitutions, succeeded in getting the
political authority under the leadership of the exiled leader Ayatullah
Roohullah Khomeini. Before 1979 revolution Iran was ruled by a brutal,
autocratic and pro U.S Shah, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, who was a harsh
opponent of the clergy because of his liberal, secular and westernized
thoughts. Thence since the 1979 Iranian revolution Iran-US relations has
not been restored because the clergy Government emerged a force with an
anti-US sentiment

Author Biographies

Akram Jan

Scholar of UOB 

Dr. Abdul Manan

Professor Abdul Manan of UOB 


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Press, 1999), pg. 199.

Bezhan Frud, “aftershocks of Iran’s 1953 Coup still felt around the world,

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Ghasemi Shahpour “Pahlavi Dynasty 1925-1979, Iran Chamber Society.

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Ismael and Ismael,” Social Change,” pg. 616.

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J. Gallagher Edward, “the 1953 Coup.” Lehigh University Digital


Kamali Saeed Dehghan and Richard Norton Taylor “CIA Admits role in

Coup.” The Guardian 19 August, 2013.

Nicholas Gagem, “Iran: Making of a Revolution, “New York Times

December 17, 1978.

Nikki Keddie, Modern Iran: Roots and Results of Revolution, (New

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