Examining “Un-Consciousness” and “Anxiety” among the Leading Characters in the Novel “The Scarlet Letter” by “Nathanial Hawthorne”
Un-consciousness, Anxiety, Freud, Adultery, Psyche.Abstract
The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne is a masterwork which
highlights adultery, love, consciousness and unconsciousness of
characters. Hawthorne tried to examine the strict society of New England
which belongs to puritans. He explored the punishment of those who
committed the sin of adultery in the novel. Hawthorne tried to seek the
feeling of sin, hatred, guilt, love, regret and how these things control the
mind of major characters throughout the novel. He also showed us that
how these characters suffered and how did they face extreme pain. Loss of
ego and mental stability are also the part of this novel. All these aspects
come under the psyche of the person and it relate to psychoanalysis theory
of Sigmund Freud. His psychoanalysis theory helps us to analyze the mind
of characters of this novel which are based on mental stability,
consciousness and unconsciousness and also the anxiety of an individual.
Freud’s psychoanalysis theory taught us that how can we equitable our
personality and how we should maintain our ego id ego and super ego, so
that we can grow our personality in a healthy environment.it also shows
that how can we ignore our broken desires and past bitter memories. In
short, the aim of this study is to examine and explore the characters of
scarlet letter in the light of Freud’s psychoanalysis theory and how these
characters live after affected by their ego, id ego and superego. This study
will improve our knowledge about the psyche of leading characters in the
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