Balochistan’s Constitutional Aspect of Provincialism
Balochistan, Provincialism and ConstitutionAbstract
The distribution of power and resources produces a sense of provincialism
and discrimination among the federating units in Pakistan. This resulted
sour relationships between federal government and the province of
Balochistan. These conditions led to arose the issue of identity in
Balochistan. The issue can be resolved by providing appropriate shares in
power and sources distribution through constitution.
Power sharing remains a source of tension among federal government and
province of Balochistan, since 1948. Whenever the provincial political
power is ousted from power, the tension arose with the province. After the
disturbance of 1970s and end of Zia’s regime in 1988; a hope was
perceived for having proper share in the affairs of the state by provincial
political authorities. But after the end of democratic era of 1988-1999; the
province saw a much stronger disturbance. It was the result of the era as;
the democratic governments did not address the grievances of power
sharing of the provincial political leaders. This study is designed to
analyse the relations between federal government and the provincial; with
special reference to the constitution. As the study highlights the
constitutional framework in which the problem and solution lies.
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