A Study of the Types of Oral Errors that University Students Want to Have Corrected in an EFL Classroom in Quetta, Pakistan
Errors and mistakes, Oral errors corrections, Positive attitudes towards types of oral error correction.Abstract
This research study aims to investigate university students’ attitudes
towards the types of oral error correction in Quetta, Pakistan. A
quantitative research design was adopted in this study in order to answer
the research questions. However, total 202 students of different
departments of University of Balochistan took part in the research which
include 159 males and 43 females. They have English as a compulsory
subject in their course. Researcher utilized a questionnaire from the
previous study of Katayama (2007) for the collection of the data. A closeended questionnaire contained four parts and seventeen items based on
the research questions of oral errors corrections. The data of the present
research was analysed on Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
version 20 for obtaining the results of the research questions. The findings
of the study indicated that learners have positive attitudes towards the
types of oral errors corrections and they considered them very important
for learning speaking skills in English. The students found them beneficial
for their learning and desired corrections for their mistakes. Similarly,
this research study suggests that further research may be conducted to
find further opinions of learners as well as teachers on oral errors
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