Examining the role of social media in political change An empirical study of Pakistan


  • Shah Nawaz Mangi
  • Abdul Wahid Zehri


Social media, Political change, Pakistan


To examine the role of social media in the political change of Pakistan is
one of the most important aims of the current study. Due to the deductive
nature of the study, cross-sectional technique was selected for data
collection. Data was collected from the capital cities of various provinces
(Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar & Lahore). In total 338 samples were
collected, after deducting missing values and outliers, 314 samples were
declared valid for further analysis. Majority of the respondents were
young male having bachelor degree education. Data was analyzed
through SPSS. The results show that overall, mean value was in between
2.3-3.92 and standard deviation in between 1.06-2.21. Cronbach alpha
was conducted to examine item’s internal consistency; overall reliability
was found 0.81. Both hypotheses were accepted. This study finds that
social media is playing significant and positive role in political change.
Despite of that, the current study suggest that state should take steps inorder to check the genuineness of the information, shared through social
media. Alike the other studies of social sciences, present study is not free
from the limitations. Therefore, for the future researchers, it suggests
longitudinal method for data collection. Additionally, broadcast as well as
print media can also be examined in the future

Author Biographies

Shah Nawaz Mangi

Scholar of UOB 

Abdul Wahid Zehri



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