The Devastating Truth of Pashtun Women in Tribal Areas of Balochistan


  • Zareen Yousaf
  • Abdul Qadir Barrech


Badal, Compensation, Islamic rights of women, Inheritance, Pashtun tribes of Balochistan, Pashtunwali, Status of Pashtun women.


The main purpose of this present research work is to discover the status,
and to highlight the hidden problem faced by women in Pashtun society
of Balochistan. This question of women’s status has acquired great
importance throughout the world and among all the communities not
only among Pashtun’s. For thousand years’ women were kept in total
subjugation in all the societies and they were inferior to men and must
submit to men’s authority for the smooth running of family life.
The status of women has been changed after the preaching of Prophet
Mohammed and due to the change in the tradition of past. God created
men and women to build life together. It is Islam which opened the door
to women to wade through all fields of struggle in life side by side with
men. But in Pashtun society men are very religious minded but due to
tribal tradition created imbalance and inequality of gender role due to
tribal traditions men exercise unlimited powers over women. But in the
urban areas the position of Pashtun women is a bit change.
However, this study found that compared to rural tribal areas of
Balochistan these traditions are vanishing and are not rigidly practiced
in urban areas like Quetta city.

Author Biographies

Zareen Yousaf

Scholar in UOB 

Abdul Qadir Barrech

Assistant Professor In UOB


Ahmed, A.S 1980 Pukhtun economy and society London Roulledge.

April 11, 2018.

As Bosen coats in her book “Women, Honour and Love”.

BBC World Services 16. Jan. 2006.

District Gazetteers of Balochistan”, Gosha-e-Adab, Quetta, 1906, P.835

Pashtun women life” by Inger.W. Bosen.

Pukhtun Economy and Society” by Ahmed Akbar Pg.18.

Pukhtun women” by Abdul Quddus 1987 Published by New Awan


Tafsir al Tabari op.cit. VII Pg. 599.

The Gazetteers of Balochistan”, Gosha-e-Adab, Quetta, 1906, P.58 [2]

The Quran 4:11.

The Quran 4:7.

Women in Islam world past and present Ed John L Esposito, Oxford

Islamic States on line


