Socio-economic factors causing HIV AIDS in Quetta Balochistan


  • Zahid Shah
  • Mumtaz Baloch


HIV/AIDS; Socio-economic conditions; Causes; Quetta; Balochistan


This study analyzed the “socioeconomic factors causing HIV/AIDS in
Quetta, Balochistan”. The data and information required were collected
from 100HIV/AIDS registered patients. Questionnaire and key
informant interviews were used to collect primary data. Secondary data
was gathered from reputable published books, journal articles and
websites. Data was analyzed through Statistical Package for Social
Science (SPSS). Initially descriptive statistics was used such as,
frequency distribution and percentages. Later, the linear regression
model was applied to understand the socioeconomic factors
hypothesized to have been causing HIV/AIDS. The findings of this study
revealed that the blood transfusion was significantly associated with
HIV/AIDS. A large proportion of the population (77%) had blood
transfusion. The study exposed that an overwhelming majority (71%) of
patients were unaware of factors responsible for the transmission of
HIV/AIDS. The frequency of unsafe sexual intercourse was 69% in the
study area. Unsafe sexual intercourse was highly significant. Most of
HIV-AIDS patients had injected used syringes, and consulted quacks;
made tattoos on their body, shared razors and had circumcision at
quacks’ so-called clinics. To overcome the HIV/AIDS, the government
of Pakistan and Balochistan including the concerned organizations
(WHO, Health Ministry and Department) need to raise awareness
among people on emergency basis, via social, political and religious
institutions. Similarly, awareness creation among HIV/AIDS patients
about their treatment and rehabilitation is must. There is an urgent need
to establish treatment and rehabilitation centers at provincial and
district level.

Author Biographies

Zahid Shah

Scholar in UOB

Mumtaz Baloch

Lecturer in UOB


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