Quetta and its Occupation by British Raj


  • Abdul Saeed
  • Saeeda Mengal


Balochistan, British Government, Kalat, Quetta, Shal.


The British Government developed a massive interest in
Baluchistan, specifically in Quetta city because of its geo-strategic
significance. British authorities had want to establish buffer states in
north-western frontier to secure their Indian empire. The research has
discussed the historical background of the Quetta city. Moreover, has
additionally discussed the geo-strategic value of city. The first
interaction of British with Kalat rulers took place before first Afghan
war in 1839 A.D. The city was remained under British control for short
period after first Afghan war, After the war with the withdrawal of
British forces from the region, they have realized the strategic
significance of the Quetta. John Jacob in charge of Political Affairs of
Kalat, was in pioneers, who suggested the strong military hold in Quetta
to secure the frontiers of British Empire. The scheme of John Jacob was
not accomplished in his life due to non-interference policy toward Kalat.
The dream came true when Robert Sandeman came in the scene with
Forward Policy. In 1876 A.D. the city was established as a colonial city
of British Raj according to the treaty 1876. The aim of this work is to
highlight the history of the city and causes of the occupation of city by
British as well. For this research, the analytical method has adopted by

Author Biographies

Abdul Saeed

Scholar in UOB

Saeeda Mengal

Deen in UOb Arts facalties 


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